Retrying a Failed Submission

Given a list of submission_ids, retry those failed submissions.


If your Submission(s) end up with a status of FAILED the RetrySubmission query can be used to retry those failed submissions. This can be helpful if there are intermittent issues with a file, or a submission is stuck in PROCESSING.




RetrySubmission Inputs

submission_ids: List[int] The given submission ids to retry.



RetrySubmission Outputs

retries: list[SubmissionRetry] List of of previous submission attempts containing the following information:
id: int a retry attempt id
retryErrors: strerrors on retry
submissionId: int id of the submission

Try It Out

You can try outRetrySubmission below:

from indico.queries import RetrySubmission

# submission id to retry, must be a list even if a single id is provided
submission_ids = [4]

retries =
package com.indico;

import com.indico.entity.Submission;

import com.indico.mutation.RetrySubmission;

import java.util.*;

public class main {

    public IndicoClient client;
    private static String token_path = "./indico_api_token.txt";
    private static String host  =  ""
    private static Integer failed_submission_id = 1;

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

        IndicoConfig config = new IndicoConfig.Builder().host(host)
        client = new IndicoKtorClient(config);
      	List<Integer> failed_ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        RetrySubmission retrySubmissionQuery = client.retrySubmission();
      	List<SubmissionRetries> retryResults = retrySubmissionQuery.execute();

      	System.out.println("Retried " +  retryResults.size() + " submissions");
