Transferring files to/from Indico
Retrieve an object stored on the Indico Platform
Results of some operations, notably DocumentExtraction can be quite large
and are stored on disk in the Indico Platform. You need to retrieve them
using RetrieveStorageObject.
- Parameters:
storage_object (str or dict) – either a string or dict with a url of the storage object to be retrieved. If a dict then “url” should be used as the key for the storage object url. - Returns:
Contents of the storage object, most often JSON - Return type:
contents (dict)
class, streams=None)
Upload an object stored on the Indico Platform
Used internally for uploading documents to indico platform for later processing
- Parameters:
- files (str) – A list of local filepaths to upload.
- streams (Dict[str**, io.BufferedIOBase**]) – A dict of filenames to BufferedIOBase streams
(any class that inherits BufferedIOBase is acceptable).
- Returns:
Storage object to be used for further processing requests (e.g., document extraction). - Return type:
class, streams=None)
Upload an object stored on the Indico Platform and return only the storage URL to the object
- Parameters:
files (str) – list of filepaths to upload - Returns:
list of storage urls to be use for further processing requests (e.g., form extraction) - Return type:
Updated over 1 year ago